Saturday, July 12, 2014

Am I Really Here?

I arrived.  I survived a 10 hour plane ride with about 3 hours of sleep. I was met by Katie's landlady Jan.  It was instant friendship the moment we met. Katie was in rehearsal so I had to wait a few hours before she arrived. Jan and I had a bit of fun trying to find petrol and then get back on the freeway going to right direction. When we arrived at the house, we were greeted by Bella.  Jan asked, "Would you like to go wee wee?" to which I immediately replied, why yes I would.  Jan burst into laughter and said "no, I wasn't talking to you,. I was talking to the dog"!  Funny moment.

 This is Jan sitting with her beloved Bella.
 Katie and I went for a lovely walk around the neighborhood and to her school.  This is a little church we saw along the way.
 This is the main building on the part of campus where she has her classes.
A very smelly but lovely green pool on campus. The video below is a blackbird singing. We couldn't figure out what kind of a bird it was.  It had the most lovely songs. I hope you enjoy it.

 Sunset was spectacular as were all the flowers we saw growing in peoples yards.

 Because it rain so much there are slugs and snails everywhere.  Look at the beautiful colors of shells.
Along our walk we also saw red foxes. There are a lot of them here and they live in the neighborhoods.  I haven't been able to capture one on film yet but I'll keep trying.  Katie made me stay up till 11:00 the first night so that I would get on the right schedule.  The next day I was on my own to explore.  So I took a nice long walk to a town called Loughton.  It was a long but lovely walk.  This picture shows the typical kind of homes here.  It has been rainy but  not cold.  Today I am off to London on the tube to have a day of theater watching Katie in an all female cast of "Two Gentlemen of Verona". Then we will watch another production from her fellow students.  Ta ta for now.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, everything is so lovely there! Thanks for sharing. Please give Katie-girl a hug for me.
